
Moving the Victorians

By CARLO MIDDIONE In the late 1960s and early ’70s, I worked at San Francisco’s Redevelopment Agency in my desire to conquer the world’s ills and to help make people safer, happier and more comfortable. Long before my wife Lisa and I opened our restaurant Vivande on Fillmore Street, which we operated for three decades,…

Only one local home sold last month

REAL ESTATE | PATRICK BARBER Single-family home sales in the neighborhood reached a decade low during the last month, with only one single-family home selling in Pacific Heights, Lower Pacific Heights, Presidio Heights and Cow Hollow from mid-June to mid-July. The summer months are traditionally the slowest time for real estate activity in San Francisco.…

A Fillmore pioneer

LOCALS | CALVIN LAU She was the quintessential little old lady in white tennis shoes — at least that’s how relentless neighborhood activist Mary Jane Staymates, known to all as M.J., liked to fashion herself. My first encounter with M.J., who died a few months ago, was at a Western Addition Neighborhood Association (WANA) meeting…

Modern designs for foggy dogs

PEOPLE OFTEN JOKE that there are more dogs than children in San Francisco. Statistics show it’s true: There were about 115,000 children under age 18 living in the city in 2016, according to the American Community Survey. San Francisco Animal Care and Control estimated that at the same time, there were about 120,000 to 150,000…

She rose to the occasion

STORY & PHOTOGRAPHS BY BARBARA WYETH From the first step into the garden behind a welcoming house on Clay Street, I was enchanted — and surprised, too, by its size and parklike feeling. This is not a manicured plot behind a single home, but a meandering landscape of many levels that extends the length of…

Painting the ladies

SAN FRANCISCO ARTIST Kit Haskell has established herself as the gold standard for pen and ink drawings of the city’s Victorian homes. The newest book to feature her drawings lets children of all ages choose their own favorite Crayola colors for the Painted Ladies. It’s a coloring book featuring 20 of Haskell’s meticulously accurate drawings…

‘The book is a must’

WHAT A TREAT — a visual treat of exquisitely reproduced photographs and a textural declaration of the reproduction of numerous articles from the neighborhood newspaper, the New Fillmore. Publisher, attorney and gallery owner Thomas Reynolds and co-author Barbara Kate Repa have compiled a compelling book that offers a smorgasbord of vignettes of San Francisco’s Fillmore…