
‘It’s an art form’

Leather shop known for innovation, craftsmanship By NIKKI COLLISTER At West Coast Leather, style takes center stage. Located in the heart of Cow Hollow at 2060 Union Street, the specialty clothing shop is equal parts boutique and museum. Inside, shoppers browse racks of stylish leather jackets, vests and dresses while surrounded by a curated display…

In one month, only one home sold

REAL ESTATE | CYNTHIA TRAINA Where have all the single-family home sales gone? In February, only one single-family home closed in Pacific Heights, Lower Pacific Heights, Presidio Heights or Cow Hollow. The 1,763-square-foot Victorian home at 1829 Scott Street sold for $2.9 million and set a record per-square-foot price south of California Street at $1,645…

A logo in lieu of action

STREET TALK | CYNTHIA TRAINA If you’ve been on the 2200 block of Fillmore lately, you may have noticed new signage in the windows of the boarded-up storefronts bought last year with funds from investor Neil Mehta.  It’s the branding of what they’re billing as the Upper Fillmore Revitalization Project. Emptied storefronts now display the…

The Case of the Flat Rainbow

“THERE’D BEEN A rainstorm,” says longtime neighborhood resident Monte Travis, a respected San Francisco attorney. “I looked out the living room window and saw this. I grabbed my camera, opened the kitchen window and took the picture. My timing was very lucky, as the rainbow proved quite ephemeral.” Travis is far more than an amateur…

A piece of the recent past

WHATEVER THEIR FUTURE plans or potential, the buildings on the 2200 block of Fillmore Street acquired with funds from investor Neil Mehta have already brought back one piece of Fillmore’s recent past: boarded-up empty storefronts. • SOME EXISTING BUSINESSES on Fillmore Street have gates, especially those with recessed doorways. More have been added recently, both…


News from the Heart & Soul of San Francisco

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